Lun - Sab 08:00 - 20:00 0828 302891 - 0828 614327 - 324 5839803


Rehabilitation is the process of recovering the person to the highest possible level of physical, functional, cognitive, emotional and social autonomy.

Our main goal is to give a serene future to people with disease. We achieve it with timely diagnosis, therapeutic pathways and rehabilitation and with inclusion in the world of work and society.

Our treatments are based on the latest and most advanced methodological and technological knowledge to understand and address disability. Infant neuropsychiatrists, neurologists, physiatrists, orthopedists, sound therapists, psychologists, neuro-psychomotor therapists of the developmental age, speech therapists, physiotherapists, Occupational therapists and other specialists work in synergy by sharing therapeutic goals and paths to achieve them.

Where we are

SS 18 km. 76,500
84091 Battipaglia (SA)

Contact us

0828 614327
0828 302891


Mon – Fri           8:00 – 20:00
Saturday                8:00 – 16:00