Lun - Sab 08:00 - 20:00 0828 302891 - 0828 614327 - 324 5839803

Lista d'attesa LAC SAN LUCA

The formation/composition of waiting lists takes place in accordance with current legislation for certain regimes (Decree Commissioner ad Acta of the Campania Region n. 41 of 29 May 2018 published in BURC n. 42 of 18 June 2018) and for the other types of services not provided for in the aforementioned decree will be taken into account in a chronological manner of the challenging/ prescriptions received in the original center and the effective and appropriate availability of the true types of treatment and specifications rehabilitation methodologies.

Waiting list composition criteria

According to the regional regulations in force, waiting lists are sent every two months to the health district of our territory.

Effective waiting times

Outpatient regime


    - Visita Cardiologica 10 GG
    - Elettrocardiogramma 5 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Cardiaco 10 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Arterioso 10 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Venoso 10 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Tsa 10 GG
    - Visita Chirurgica Vascolare 10 GG
    - Test Cardiovascolare da sforzo 10 GG
    - Holter Cardiaco 5 GG
    - Holter Pressorio 5 GG


    - Visita Cardiologica 10 GG
    - Elettrocardiogramma 5 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Cardiaco 10 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Arterioso 10 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Venoso 10 GG
    - Ecocolordoppler Tsa 10 GG
    - Visita Chirurgica Vascolare 10 GG
    - Test Cardiovascolare da sforzo 10 GG
    - Holter Cardiaco 5 GG
    - Holter Pressorio 5 GG